Big Mama has Fourteen Baby Chicks

Big Mama & Her 14 Baby Chicks

Big Mama just had to outdo Pearl! 

Pearl hatched 8 baby chicks a few weeks ago. Then we noticed Big Mama was missing. I looked everywhere for her. When I realized I had not seen her in over a week, I feared that something (like a coyote, for instance) had gotten her.

For a couple of weeks we wondered where Big Mama was hiding. Then  finally we found her, hiding under the shed behind the ladder--sitting on about 18 eggs. 

Then one morning a week or so later, she showed up with 14 baby chicks.  Very soon, she began taking them all over the yard, teaching them how to scratch up the ground looking for bugs. 

They sure do go to bed early. She takes them around front and hides them beneath the fatsia bush. The other day, two of the baby chicks got left behind in the back yard. I chased all over the place until I finally caught one of them. When I took it around to the front to give it to her, she bit me! So when I finally caught the other one, I took it through the house and put it out the window nearby their nest, so I could shut the window quickly. She ran to the window and almost got inside to bite me before I got the window closed. I hope the babies will stay with her from now on. I don't want to get bit.

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