Adopt a Dog or Cat Today

Abigail is available for Adoption
from Rescue K911 in Camp Hill, Alabama
Are you thinking of giving the gift of a pet for Christmas? Whether it's a little puppy for your child, a cat for your Mother, or just a watchdog for your property, instead of purchasing an animal from the pet store or a breeder, consider adopting one from a shelter. 

When you adopt a shelter dog or cat, you save money. Usually for the cost of shots and spaying or neutering, you can take home your new pet from the shelter. Breeders charge hundreds or even thousands for their animals.

When you adopt a shelter dog or cat, you save lives. In shelters, about half of all dogs taken in must be euthanized if they are not adopted. And for cats, the statistics are even worse.

Mixed breed animals often make healthier pets, but even if you prefer a purebred animal and have a specific breed in mind, you can still find that at a shelter. There are breed-specific shelters all over the country. My sister in law loves the breed bishon frise. She already had a purchased bishon who had been a loved member of the family for years. When she learned of a shelter offering rescued bishon frise dogs, she eagerly adopted two of them.

There are many health benefits to having a pet. Holding a cat in your lap is a known stress reliever. Gazing into the eyes of a loving dog has been shown to have a calming effect. Just having a companion who loves you is enough to raise spirits and lead to a happier and healthier life. 

Adopt a dog, and you will learn what it feels like to receive unconditional love.

Even if it's not a dog or a cat that you are looking for, there are shelters offering horses, donkeys, birds, and exotic animals who need to be rescued. Adopting your next pet can truly be the gift that keeps on giving.

Rescue K911 is a no-kill animal shelter in Camp Hill, Alabama. If you cannot adopt at this time, please consider sending your tax-deductible donation to Rescue K911.

Big Mama has Fourteen Baby Chicks

Big Mama & Her 14 Baby Chicks

Big Mama just had to outdo Pearl! 

Pearl hatched 8 baby chicks a few weeks ago. Then we noticed Big Mama was missing. I looked everywhere for her. When I realized I had not seen her in over a week, I feared that something (like a coyote, for instance) had gotten her.

For a couple of weeks we wondered where Big Mama was hiding. Then  finally we found her, hiding under the shed behind the ladder--sitting on about 18 eggs. 

Then one morning a week or so later, she showed up with 14 baby chicks.  Very soon, she began taking them all over the yard, teaching them how to scratch up the ground looking for bugs. 

They sure do go to bed early. She takes them around front and hides them beneath the fatsia bush. The other day, two of the baby chicks got left behind in the back yard. I chased all over the place until I finally caught one of them. When I took it around to the front to give it to her, she bit me! So when I finally caught the other one, I took it through the house and put it out the window nearby their nest, so I could shut the window quickly. She ran to the window and almost got inside to bite me before I got the window closed. I hope the babies will stay with her from now on. I don't want to get bit.

Easy Tick Removal Post is False

Uh-Oh! The easy tick removal technique previously posted is False, according to However, they do tell the proper method for tick removal on their site: Snopes.

I wish the liquid soap trick would work. That would be so easy.

Easy Tick Removal

I can't tell you how many times I have needed to remove a tick from an area of my body that I could not reach. Since I've always been very self-conscious and modest, I will not ask for help when I should. Therefore, I was glad today when a friend sent me an email which included this helpful tip I am about to share. If I get any ticks on me during my morning walk, I'll try it out.
A School Nurse has written the information below, and it really works!

Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.  This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.

"Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked!"
Tiny Tot is Tasty to Ticks
This method will certainly come in handy very soon, since ticks seem to congregate around the behind area of one of our sweet little kitties.

Beagles Are Cute, But...

Lady "Killer"

Beagles are cute, but there are some things you should know before bringing a beagle into your home. 

They love to destroy things. In other words, know matter what you name your little beagle pup, trouble will be her middle name, and destruction will be her game. It won't matter what it is or how important it is to you, if the beagle pup gets it, then it's history. That's just a fact. 

Don't place too much value on your shoes. 

Don't underestimate the importance of closed doors. It helps a great deal that the beagle is short. If valuables are placed on a high shelf, the pup cannot get to them. However, beagle pups can jump surprisingly high, so do not leave items on the edge of the table or counter.

Lady "killed" every toy we brought home for her. She ate books, shoes, baskets, balls, and even socks and other clothing. Not even a blanket was safe. My son had a nice glow in the dark basketball. Lady peeled it. When I brought home a big ball from the grocery store for her to play with, it lasted less than one hour.
Lady Kills a Floatie

Training your beagle won't be easy, but it is necessary. I don't mean to imply that we know how to train a beagle. But I do know it must be done. 

If you don't have a fence around your property, you'll need to get one. We installed an underground fence which works great as long as she's wearing her collar.