End of Year Tax Deductible Gift: Rescue K911

If you are looking for an end of the year tax-deductible gift, please consider Rescue K911. A non-profit, no-kill animal shelter, Rescue K911 is dedicated to the reduction of overpopulation, abuse, and neglect of domestic animals. Run entirely by volunteers, they can certainly use your help. 

For more information and to learn how you can help, please visit their site: Rescue K911.

Muffin: Kitty Apprentice to Crisco

The following is a reprint of a post written a few years ago for our other blog. I thought I'd share it again.

I've never really used the word melancholy in a sentence before, but I think that describes my feelings right now. Sort of sad, but with a little soft feeling deep inside. Crisco has been gone to 'Kitty Heaven' for only about a month now. And we miss him terribly. But God had already provided us with another love. Not a replacement, for sure, but we do have much love to give. And at our house, there's always room for one more little animal. 

Please bear with me as I tell the story of Muffin...

A few months ago in the middle of the night I was awakened by the sound of crying--very loudly--right outside my bedroom window. 

Believing one of the kittens recently thrown out in front of our house had been accidentally left outside, I tore off outside to get the little baby. Once out there, I realized it was not one of 'our' kittens, but another! Terrified, the little thing ran and hid in the woodpile where it was camouflaged! Yes, the tiny little kitten was about the same color as the firewood. I'd never seen a kitty this color. Brown, beige, and tan, just kind of mottled together, causing the kitten to blend in with leaves, dirt, and sticks. And the baby sure was tiny. 

I couldn't catch it.  I tried and tried, but just couldn't. Since I couldn't do much in the darkness, I went back to bed.

The next day, the little thing ventured into the garage, hiding behind lumber and other supplies being used to remodel our home. No matter how hard I tried, I could not catch this baby! All I could do is put out a little food, water, and milk for the tiny kitten. I'd always find the bowls empty later on.

For two solid weeks this went on just the same. This little kitten had a huge appetite, but would not come to me. 

One day after picking up my children from school as normal--about 20 miles away!!--we stopped at the grocery store, again, as usual, and I'm embarrassed to tell you why, but we drove around behind the store because my 7 year old little fellow had to Pee. As we sat there in the car, we heard crying that sounded just like the kitten crying at home. 

I thought to myself, 'Man...someone has thrown out a little kitten back here!' And my thoughts went to all those ^$$#*!@$ who all too frequently drop off animals on the side of the road.

My little man soon finished the necessary activity, so we started the car and drove on around toward the front of the shopping center. The further we drove, the louder the crying became! Finally, I realized that sound was coming from somewhere inside the car!! 

I stopped, of course, and ran around to the hood. As soon as I raised the hood, there nestled right there in an empty spot in the motor (for lack of knowing all the car part names--forgive me!) was the little brown kitten!

I could not believe my eyes. She had ridden about 20 miles from our house to the school, waited while I sat in that ever long pick up line, drove about 7 miles to the grocery store, went inside and bought groceries, and then drove around back for my little boy to water the bushes. I guess then, she woke up! Wow! 

Anyway, I knew if I didn't act fast, she'd run as she'd done so many times before. But that was at home, and she couldn't get hurt. Now we were in a grocery store parking lot. I still can't believe I was able to think that fast, but I grabbed her quickly, put her underneath my shirt, and hopped in the car. My little boy emptied out his lunchbox and we put her in there for the ride home. 

Upon our arrival home, we were able to deposit her safely in the woodshop, where she could learn to trust us gradually and on her own. Of course, she had left a small undesirable gift in the lunchbox, so we were forced to discard it.

We probably should have named her Lucky, but our children wanted to name her Muffin, because she actually is the color of a tasty homemade muffin.

To make a long story short, as if it isn't already too late for that, Muffin is the best mouse catcher we have. It makes sense to us that she will try to fill the shoes that Crisco's passing has left empty. 

Not only is Muffin a very busy kitty, but she is full of love. Even as she rests, she tries to groom us, always working to gain our affection. She doesn't realize it, but she earned our love long ago.

If you have suffered the loss of a beloved pet as we have, I know you understand, and I hope that you will remember us in your prayers as we try to recover and continue on with our animal-loving lives.

Reprinted: Rescue K911 Newsletter November 2011

What do we do when our loving pets face the last leg of the race?
We do all we can to help them finish well, of course!

We take time to read the unspoken needs of the friends we've come to know so well. We give the simple reassurance of a loving touch when the old boy seems confused for no reason.

We groom them faithfully, but more gently, as age brings muscle wasting, and the arthritic bones aren't so well padded. We learn to slow down for their sake, as they enjoy the scent of the wind, or track a visitors trail across their yard. We expect to be inconvenienced, and aren't angry when it happens.

We watch for pain and treat it, watch for changes in vision and hearing and do what we can to help preserve those precious senses for as long as possible.

We take care of their teeth, and make sure their food is a manageable texture for them. We remind them of the need for a potty walk when they seem to forget.

We remember the little rewards. We scratch the graying ears and tummy, and go for car rides together. When the pet we love has an unexplained need for comfort, we give it freely. When infirmities bring a sense of vulnerability, we become our old guardian's protector.

We watch their deepest slumbers, when dreams take them running across long-forgotten fields, and we remember those fields too. When they cannot stand alone, we lift them. When their steps are uncertain, we steady them. And if their health fails, it falls to us to make the choice that will gently put them to rest. But until that is absolutely necessary, we pause to let the autumn sun warm our old friend's bones. And we realize, autumn is not a bad time of year at all. Old age is not a disease or a reason to give up. It is a stage of life that brings its own changes. Autumn can be a beautiful time of harvest.

And, sometimes, the harvest is love.

Written by: Christy Caballero
& felt by everyone who has ever loved an old dog.
Thank you for helping old dogs!
Larry & Loraine
& all the little ones of Rescue K911
Dedicated to the loving memory of Snagglepuss,
one of our elderly
who crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.
"We love you Snaggles, and will miss you greatly!"♥
Reprinted in Memory of the Best Friends we've loved and lost~there have been many~and in Honor of  Shadow, our loving Best Friend who is now living her Golden Years.